Monday 17 February 2014

The mansion versus the surf shack

Hartenbos, South-Africa 22:20 with max temp for tomorrow 23C
Los Angeles, USA 12:20 with max temp today 23C 

 This blog is there to share the lessons from my journey to live out my calling in order to help and encourage others on their own journey. I have examined my motivations over the past few weeks and one thing I learned is that we forget how important our calling is. We forget that our positive contribution to the world is urgently needed (I think we can all agree every positive change this world can get would be an improvement).  We tend to get caught up in the small stuff and loose sight of the important stuff. That led me to ponder how important I think my calling is, say I measure that against what I would be willing to sacrifice for it. Would I give up the mansion to live in the surf shack if that was needed? Then it hit me like an unexpected wave: there is nothing to debate - your calling is what you and you alone are compelled to do - whatever it takes, because the sooner you get to it, the sooner the results will be evident. 

1 comment:

  1. I was at a writers conference this weekend, and one of the things that was said was: "If anything can stop you from writing, let it. Because it means you weren't that dedicated in the first place. And if you aren't dedicated enough, it will show in your work." Whatever your calling may be . . . If you can go without it, it wasn't really a calling to begin with.
